Have you ever needed to change the date last modified on a file, and didn’t know what to do? Well, not anymore with the all new File Modification Date Modifier (FMDM).
When you travel to other time zones to find your files modified tomorrow, don’t worry. FMDM has it under control.
When you want to use an essay written years ago as an online assignment to be handed in today, don’t worry, FMDM will make it look like it fresh written.
Click download now and receive a free copy of the program.
Just follow these simple steps and your file will become a time traveler.
- Open command line.
- Open the directory of this program
- Type: “EditFileDate (file name) (time to change in seconds)”
Example: “EditFileDate d:/files/folder/text.txt 1000” — adds 1000 seconds to the modification time of text.txt
Example: “EditFileDate c:/tmp/image.jpg -3600” — subtracts 3600 seconds from the modification time of image.jpg